Commercial Electricity Rates with highest reliability
Modesto treated waste water supports agriculture
Local Measure L ensures better highways, local streets and non-motorized transit
Comcast regional high-speed fiber expansion project chose Modesto as its 1st location
Modesto’s fundamentals
State of the art Jennings Water Treatment facility
It’s the Water
Few municipalities offer water and water treatment capacity and capability as Modesto Utilities, a key to the vibrant food and beverage industry. Modesto Utilities award-winning Jennings Treatment facility supplies needed water to Central Valley agricultural areas.
Don Pedro reservoir power house
It’s the Electricity
Locally owned and managed electric power can be a big advantage to commercial rate payers both in cost and reliability. The Modesto Irrigation District serves over 128,000 electric accounts, and has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation from the American Public Power Association.
High speed fiber internet expanding in Modesto
It’s the Connectivity
“Comcast announced it is investing $15 million to enhance and expand its internet infrastructure in Modesto. The network expansion project will deliver up to 10-Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) Ethernet speeds, increased capacity and reliability to an estimated 2,000 businesses throughout downtown and central Modesto. The Modesto area is one of the fastest-growing markets in California and we are excited to bring our state-of-the-art products and services to more businesses in the area,” said Kristeen Cominiello, Vice President of Comcast Business in California.”