Posted on: May 29, 2024

Modesto’s PLEDGE Program: Breaking Barriers for Cannabis Industry Entrepreneurs

The City of Modesto Cannabis Equity Program (PLEDGE) provides local equity grants, and education. This state funded grant program provided by the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) offers technical support, regulatory compliance assistance, and assistance with securing the capital necessary to begin a business-further reducing barriers to entry into the regulated cannabis industry.

Residents of Modesto may be eligible to receive benefits through the city's Cannabis Equity Program if they meet specific criteria. Eligible participants must have lived in one of the following zip codes—95355, 95354, 95350, or 95351—for at least five years prior to November 8, 2016. Additionally, they must have lived in a low-income household measured at 80% of the area median income. Finally, eligibility extends to individuals or their immediate family members (parent, guardian, child, or sibling) who were arrested or convicted of a crime related to the sale, possession, use, or cultivation of cannabis in California prior to November 8, 2016. 

Those who meet all three criteria may be eligible to receive various benefits, including but not limited to, technical assistance, regulatory compliance assistance, and assistance securing capital. To learn more or apply, visit our Cannabis Equity Program website.